Howto get your external IP address via command line
September 28, 2013
I just had to find out the external IP address (as seen from the Internet) of a Linux server which is behind a NAT router. The normal way to goto WhatsMyIP didn’t work as I was only connected via SSH to this server. But the solution is quite easy thanks to the guys from ipecho, just type:
wget -O - -q ; echo
Thats so easy! And even faster than using a browser in the first way ….. 🙂
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Why not just:
Comment by Craig — September 28, 2013 #
After I discovered I totally stopped using other similar sites. It helps to remember the URL that it is named after a unix utility.
IIRC if not specified it will use the User-Agent field to format the response. So you don’t even have to specify plaintext. Example:
Comment by Henrik — September 29, 2013 #
I never heard about it before. great alternative 🙂
Comment by Monika — October 9, 2013 #
Relying on the site’s interpretation of the User-Agent sounds seriously dangerous, if you’re going to use that in an application or some automated script.
So in that regard is A LOT safer.
Comment by Mario — February 9, 2014 #