WannaCry happened and nobody called me during my vacation – I tell you why

May 18, 2017

I was since last Wednesday on a biking trip through Austria and Bavaria, when on Friday reading main stream media the world broke down with WannaCry. Ok, I thought sensationalism by the main media but now as I’m at home, I cannot believe what I read in tech blogs and the IT media. I won’t link all of them here, just the one I plainly can’t understand and to which I disagree in the strongest way possible – telling plainly patching is hard and we can’t do anything.

Lets start with how a WannaCry infection spreads through a company.

  • The malware needed to get into the company network – be it via open SMB ports (445 TCP) to the Internet and via Email. As I read through the articles its not 100% clear how the infection – lets assume both methods have been used for this post
  • In the second case a user clicks onto the attachment and the malware gets executed
  • Than it searches through the company network and tries with a RCE (remote code execution) to infect other PCs
  • It encrypted the local hard drive

Now lets talk why this should not have been any problem in your organization

  • Port 445 TCP reachable from the Internet? Really? If you’re unsure, quickly go to Shodan and type into the search field net:"xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/yy" with xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx you IP address range followed by the yy subnet mask and take a look if you know about open ports and services.
  • And now lets take a look at all the stuff I wrote over a year ago, what you should have done before the Locky malware happened (yes this is not the first ransomware making big waves), to be not affected:Stop panicking about the Locky ransomware [Update 2]
    • For the Email infection vector:
      • Block EXE attachments in emails
      • Remove active code from Word, Excel and Powerpoint files by default
      • Block EXE downloads on the Proxy
    • For both  infection vectors:
      • Use application white-listing – we moved to whitelisting for firewall rules a long time ago, its past time to do that for applications. Guess why there is not so much iPhone malware – Apple is effectively white-listing software.
      • Block client 2 client traffic – Even if that is not possible on a day2day basis, it should be prepared to be enabled in a case of emergency.

    With one of the last two alone an widespread infection would not have been possible.

  • Microsoft provided a patch on March 14 and called the vulnerability critical. Lets take a look when Microsoft calls some vulnerabilities  critical and when important. The difference is that with important the user gets asked and than infected, with critical there is nothing, just infection. So important is remote code execute and critical is wormable remote code execution.
    And at last take a look at following text from Microsoft: “Mitigating Factors: Microsoft has not identified any mitigating factors for this vulnerability.” To make it short if you read about such a vulnerability in Windows and know that an exploit is in the wild, drop everything and start patching that hole at once.

Looking at the above ways the malware/worm could have easily been blocked. Anyway at last I really want now to take a look at the post linked above from the SMBlog by Steven M. Bellovin.

  • Because patching is very hard and very risk, and the more complex your systems are, the harder and riskier it is.
    Thats not true in this case.

    • Port 445 open to the Internet, no real network separation, deactivated local Windows Firewall and still have SMB1 activated on Windows Client Systems (see Microsoft recommendation from 2016) – thats not at patching problem, thats a security policy failure (e.g. base hardening of operating systems)
    • standard client PCs (for the normal employee) not patched  – not talking about special systems – we patch thousand PCs every month after the Windows patches are released without any problems in years. The special systems needed to get infected after all by something.
    • If non company managed client PCs got connected to the network and infected special systems, its a failure in network access control – plane and simple
    • no mitigation prepared for a case like a worm breakout – Just to make a point, we prepared a client2client block  ACLs for all edge switches, which could be activated within a few minutes, in 2011 – as you newer can know. This is a missing emergency plan like required in ISO 27001.
    • 2 month window for patching an remote code execution wormable vulnerability. If it was not possible in 2 month to patch something like that, than the company has a high technical/security debt. This is a management failure.
    • still running non supported software – that is a management failure, by not making correct contracts with the vendor or ignoring the problem like a Ostrich.
  • So—if you’re the CIO, what do you do? Break the company, or risk an attack? (Again, this is an imaginary conversation.)
    Thats the wrong question – if the CIO is at the questing he has done a bad job before:

    • All your critical software should have a maintenance contract which specially handles security updates (and specially the timeline) of the underlaying operating system and the software itself and there must be contractual penalty in it. Done that for year now with “call for bids” – Big IT companies provide that security handling without you asking for it – so this is mainly for special software.
    • If the IT department has not the time to patch everything a Triage needs to be done. The vulnerabilities with the highest probability and potential for damage need to be patched first – this vulnerability must have been on the top of any list.
    • The systems are not as in German is called “Stand der Technik” which can be translated as “state of the art” – an Windows XP system is not state of the art, no meaningful network separation is not state of the art, …..
  • That patching is so hard is very unfortunate. Solving it is a research question. Vendors are doing what they can to improve the reliability of patches, but it’s a really, really difficult problem.
    • Ok patching might be not a easy as it could be but
      • A big institution that got caught by this malware did leave the back door open and is now complaining that a herd of wild boars went through the house and did damage.
      • the security and IT department just failed at their job – just do a postmortem without finger pointing and fix the problems. I’m quite sure the affected IT departments got caught also by the Locky malware and didn’t learn a thing.
      • Vendors doing not enough, sure in this case Microsoft did patch it but specially with IoT devices vendor to nothing.
      • Searching through Google for problems after installing MS17-010 reviles only a few post after billions of updated PCs –> there are no problems with this patch –> no reason to not install it

So thats my view onto the WannaCry stuff after being on vacation ….. tell me your views – did I miss something?

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