iptables dynamic port script for NFS
May 10, 2008
Some days ago I talked with a friend (here a link to his homepage) about firewalls and file servers and he told me he has a iptables script which adapts to the NFS ports automatically. I asked him for this script and here is it. Thx Hannes for the script.
# rpcinfo -p prints a list of all registered RPC programs
# sed -e '1D' removes the headline
# tr -s ' ' '\t' replaces repeated spaces with a single tab
# cut -f 4,5 we only need the protocol- and port-columns
# sort | uniq removes the duplicate lines
# now we have lines with the needed protocol and port but for splits
# this lines to single words so we have to store the protocol
for l in `rpcinfo -p | sed -e '1D' | tr -s ' ' '\t' | cut -f 4,5 | sort | uniq`
case $l in
iptables -A INPUT -p $PROTOCOL --dport $l $SYN -j ACCEPT
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very useful
it works really fine
thank you very much
best regard from Italy
Comment by Stefano — January 3, 2013 #