How to get Tiny Tiny RSS running on a half-way secure PHP setup

May 20, 2013

As Google is discontinuing their Google Reader I needed to look for alternatives and after some looking I went for Tiny Tiny RSS, which I can run on one of my web servers. At least this was the theory :-). The problems I faced were that Tiny Tiny RSS seems to have problems with a half-way secure PHP setup, and I needed therefore to make some changes to get it working. As I didn’t find that much documentation on this topic and it seams the Tiny Tiny RSS developers are not really security affine.

1. open_basedir is not supported

I did as described in the Install Notes and went to the URL to use the installer to configure my Tiny Tiny RSS, but I was prompted with this error message:

PHP configuration option open_basedir is not supported. Please disable this in PHP settings file (php.ini).

I searched through the Internet and it seams that some obscure errors can occur if you use open_basedir. But to me it seem more like: I (=developer) don’t have the problem and the user has it and he has open_basedir activated so this must be the problem. Anyway, open_basedir is an imported security measure for PHP hosting, do not ever disabled it, specially if you have more than one vhost. I running with enabled open_basedir for 2 weeks now without getting any obscure errors (or any errors at all).  At the time of writing this blog post I was running PHP 5.3.23 and 5.3.25 on this server.

After these preliminary words – how did I get rid of this error messages? Simple I just commented raising of the exceptions out. For this open the install/index.php in a text editor and search for the line containing “option open_basedir is not supported“, comment it out like this:


And you need to do the same in the include/sanity_check.php file:


2. passthru disabled

I wanted to call the ./update.php --daemon command from the command line but I got following error message:

PHP Warning:  passthru() has been disabled for security reasons in /var/www/xxxx/html/update.php on line 150

This is because a secure configured default php.ini has following set:

disable_functions = exec, passthru, shell_exec, system, proc_open, popen, curl_exec, curl_multi_exec, parse_ini_file, show_source

I remove disabled functions per vhost so I don’t have the least common denominator for security. In this case needed to make sure that the update.php called via the command line uses a custom made php.ini. I therefore created this bash script.

export PHPRC="/var/www/php/xxxx/"
./update.php --daemon

In this directory a special php.ini is located which has passthru enabled.

3. undefined function posix_getpid

I wanted to use the update_daemon2.php script as it is recommended but I got following error message:

[09:48:30] [MASTER] installing shutdown handlers
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function posix_getpid() in /var/www/xxxx/html/update_daemon2.php on line 223
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function posix_getpid() in /var/www/xxxx/html/update_daemon2.php on line 236
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function posix_getpid() in /var/www/xxxx/html/update_daemon2.php on line 99

The solution on Centos/RHEL/SL is easy, just install the posix package for php:

yum install php-posix

I hope this post helps others which move to Tiny Tiny RSS and still want a reasonably secure PHP setup.

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