Teamspeak 3 Client on Kubuntu 11.10 (oneiric)

November 25, 2011

When you download the TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_*.run (tested with file, extract everything and try to start the TS3 client with ./ on Kubuntu 11.10 you’ll get following error message:

$ ./
Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (version 0x40704) with this library (version 0x40702)
./ line 18: 2638 Aborted ./ts3client_linux_amd64 $@

To fix this you need to do following (found the hint here):

  • Add following
    export QTDIR="."
    export KDEDIRS=""
    export KDEDIR=""

    at line 5 in
  • create a file qt.conf with following content
    Plugins = plugins

Hope this works for you too.


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  1. The file with

    Plugins = plugins

    should be named as qt.conf, not php.ini!

    Otherwise, thanks for the Information, it helped me.

    Comment by Voelkerball — November 27, 2011 #

  2. thx … was too fixed on php somehow.

    Comment by robert — November 27, 2011 #

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