BasKet: A KDE application for implementing the “Getting Things Done” method

December 24, 2008

Are you also using a Post-It application (like KNotes) on your computer to store your ideas and todos? At least I do, but I found a better application. Welcome to BasKet Node Pads. It takes your notes, but it also lets share them with others. You can integrate it into Kontact and store not only text but also images, links, email addresses, files and you can even pick a from screen. After you stored you ideas, todos, ….. you surely want to access them easily. BasKet supports this by a full text search or it also allows you to set tags and intelligent todo list management.

Maybe your ideas are secret, if so you should use the buildin encryption of BasKet. And best of all, it is OpenSource and you can download it for KDE or it is already shipped with your distribution of choice.

Ah, before I forget it. One of the various ways you can use BasKet is to implement the “Getting Things Done” method to get more organized. Get more information by reading Wikipedia article or this wikisummaries book summary.

ps: Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

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  1. Hi Robert,

    das BasKet schaut ja echt super aus, thx für den Tipp. 😉


    Comment by Richard — December 25, 2008 #

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