Clicky Web Analytics the alternative to Google Analytics

December 14, 2008

I’m using Google Analytics for some time now, it basically works, but it has some short comings like that the reports do only get updated every 24h, or that it is not able to track bound links without extra work on my side. But the most import part is that I don’t want that google knows everything. So I started to look for a valid alternative. I tried some local installable open source tools but decided to go with an other SaaS. If you’re using NoScript for your Firefox you might know it already I started using Click Web Analytics. Take a look at this screenshot, it looks like most web 2.0 sites, simple, clean design with a white background.

Whats nice is that you can do a real time campaign and goal tracking and that you can track every visitor who comes to your web site and if they accept cookies all their history. This will show you which power cookies gives website providers. You should really think to disable them or remove them on every start of your browser. But as long the most users have activated it I will also take a look at it and have a nice show case for people I talk over this.


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  1. Interesting. Also myRT is free and tracks visitor in real time. Make sure to check it out!

    Comment by web analytics — January 23, 2009 #

  2. Great information. that web analytic getting alternative choice to the Google analytic is awesome.

    Comment by Real-time Web Analytics — August 5, 2011 #

  3. Foxmetrics is a Real-time Web Analytics system that provides real-time visitor insight and audience intelligence across multiple data sources and multiple channels.

    Comment by Timmy — August 5, 2011 #

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