DFN CERT warns about Linux root kits

August 4, 2008

The CERT of the Germany`s National Research and Education Network (DFN – Deutsches Forschungsnetz) warns about attacks on Linux servers, which hide with a root kit. This root kit hides directories and processes from the administrator. The attack is most likely carried out by stolen SSH keys.

Their experts found the directory /etc/khubd.p2/ on the compromised systems but this directory did not show up with ls -l /etc/. But it was possible to change into that directory. As it is very easy to change the source code of the root kid you should check with following:

$ ls -al /tmp/
total 44
drwxrwxrwt 10 root root 4096 2008-08-04 17:58 .

tells you the link count and following counts the entries returned by ls:

ls -al /tmp/ | grep "^d" | wc -l

If the do not match, you should really take a closer look. Of course you should use other directories as well. The second way to find leads on this root kit is to send signals to the hidden processes. If a process id is not in /proc, but responding to signals you should also take a closer look:

for PID in `seq 1 65535`; do
  if kill -0 ${PID} 2>/dev/null
  if ls /proc/*/task/*/cmdline | grep "/${PID}/cmdline" >/dev/null
      CMD=`cat /proc/${PID}/cmdline`
      echo "PID ${PID} versteckt?! cmdline: '${CMD}'"

On olders systems the task directory is maybe missing, use /proc/*/cmdline in this case. If you find an active root kit, send a mail to cert at dfn-cert.de.

Damn it! Patch your DNS Server!

July 26, 2008

In the last days an exploit has been released, but still many big companies have not patched their recursive DNS server. According to the Austrian CERT which released a report two third of the recursive DNS are still not patched. These are not small companies or system, according to The Register the big US ISPs like AT&T, BT and Time Warner as Bell Canada are not patched. There are even some hints that attacks are already carried out.

So Damn it! Patch your DNS servers, you’re risking the security of your customers!

Even Microsoft released following security warning Increased Threat for DNS Spoofing Vulnerability which tells you to install the patch MS08-037 at once. But what do you think can be even worse?


They have still not provided a patch for OS-X-Server, that just shows that apple can’t be taken serious in the server world.

And I wondered why Ubuntu did no upgrade of MaraDNS

July 22, 2008

In the last weeks all major DNS vendors and distributions did upgrade their DNS servers, but I was not getting an update for the DNS server which I use: MaraDNS

So I did take a look around and found following blog posting by the MaraDNS guys: MaraDNS is immune to the new cache poisoning attack. Which basically explains that because of DJB (whose DNS server I used before it was removed from Ubuntu Hardy) they use query ID and source port randomization since the first public release. Good that I always search for a secure implantation of a service I need. Why are so many people still using bind that much. It can’t be that every setup needs features which only bind provides. It must be laziness or they don’t care about security.

Lynis – an auditing tool for Linux/Unix

July 19, 2008

The first step to higher security of your system is to assess the current state of the system. Lynis is a small command line tool, licensed under GPL 3, which can help you achieving this. From the authors homepage:

Lynis is an auditing tool for Unix (specialists). It scans the system and available software, to detect security issues. Beside security related information it will also scan for general system information, installed packages and configuration mistakes.

This software aims in assisting automated auditing, software patch management, vulnerability and malware scanning of Unix based systems. It can be run without prior installation, so inclusion on read only storage is no problem (USB stick, cd/dvd).

He also clearly states what Lynis is not:

Not a hardening tool: Lynis does not fix things automatically, it reports only (and makes suggestions).

More to the technicial stuff: The basis of the program are shell scripts which scan the operating system and installed software (e.g. old software) but also stuff like SSL certificates (e.g. expire date). The software checks for accounts without password or wrong file permissions and it takes also a look at your local firewall. It runs under many Linux and Unix versions including Debian and Ubuntu.

“Transparent end-to-end encryption for the Internets” is not the solution

July 13, 2008

Last week the guys behind the popular torrent site The Pirate Bay went public with their project of an opportunistic encryption of all traffic from an computer. The project is called “Transparent end-to-end encryption for the Internets” (IPETEE) but it is not the first time something like this is tried. Due to the pressure by the media industry it has more success chances than the last tries but I think we should target something else.

So what should be our target?

To build an overlay network with allows anonymous, encrypted and censor resident communication for unchanged IP based protocols over the internet. From the user perspective the software creates a virtual network adapter like OpenVPN does and every traffic that goes into that device is send via this overlay network. The overlay network does not send the traffic to the other peer directly (in this case the communication would not be anonymous) but via other peers taking part in that network. The more security you need to more peers it takes, but it will also get slower. This enables the usage of the network by different user groups.

This would be a real solution and not a half one like the idea from The Pirate Bay guys. Ah, before I forget it, following are non-goals.

  • This network should not guard against information leak through programs which use this network (e.g. mail client sending real IP address)
  • No military security/anonymity is targeted, it should be just enough to have a plausible deniability.
  • It is not the goal of this network to provide access through the network to the outside world. What goes into to network should stay there. But this does not mean that any effort is invested to prevent anyone to play proxy. (e.g. http proxy)

What do you think about it?

EU Member States Data Retention Transposition Measures

July 12, 2008

I got my hand on this list which is out of a PDF from the European commission, and I though it maybe also interests others. It shows the status of data retentions laws in the EU member states. So here is the list. (The list is sorted by the native names of the nations and not the English ones I used here, e.g. Deutschland vs Germany)

EU Member States Data Retention Transposition Measures List


Do you know what a Host Protected Area (HPA) is?

June 17, 2008

It is sometimes also called Hidden Protected Area and it is an area of your hard disk which is normally not visible for the operating system and therefore the applications. It was first introduced in the ATA-4 standard and is defined in ATA-5 as optional feature which is supported by most modern hard disks. The normal use case of this is for system recovery and the backup of important configuration data.

So why is this security relevant? For law enforcement agencies and forensic experts it is important to detect HPAs and recovery data from it. For one someone could hide some sensitive data in it or there could be evidence or traces if the owner does not know about the HPA.

But it is also important for any business and home user, e.g. if you want to fully override your hard disk you need to make sure you also override the HPA. If you’re a user of a current Linux kernel you’re lucky – the kernel will deactivate (temporary) the HPA during booting and so can override everything without problems.

Here are some links which will help you do detect / remove the HPA from your hard disk:

DNS based revoke lists

May 24, 2008

I just thought about the scaling problem of the SSL revoke lists, I wrote in my last blog post.  The first two solutions that came into mind where peer-to-peer or DNS based ones. Peer-to-peer would be not that good for enterprise users so I took a short look at DNS based revoke list. I just entered it into google and got RFC 2538 back as answer. Thats a full solution for storing certificates in the DNS (and yes also a revoke list). Maybe we could use the revoke list part of this RFC for the SSL revoke lists. This solution would scale without problems and with DNSSEC it would get even more secure.

So why is that not implemented? Just one browser vendor and one CA need to go forward and the rest will follow. They could do that instead of the “green” https stuff which is only there to generate more money. What are your thoughts about this?

The fallout of the Debian OpenSSL security problem

Today I don’t want to write about how the Debian security problem occurred, if it was the fault of the Debian maintainer or the OpenSSL guys. We’re all human so errors can occur, but this shows a much bigger problem we have. Our SSL infrastructure!!

I’m quit sure you read about the weak SSL whitehouse.gov had and that the white house does not handle their SSL stuff by them self, instead the use Akamai for this. If you don’t know Akamai, it is a major content distribution network. They have tens of thousands servers distributed all over the world and the content is served by the closest server to provide higher download speeds for the customs and make a DDOS attack much harder if not impossible. Their customer list includes Microsoft, the New York Times and so on.

So basically the SSL keys of the Akamai servers where weak, and it was possible to get their public keys (it is sent as part of the SSL handshake), and calculate the private ones out of it (there are only 32k possible keys). I know that at least one did it and sent the keys to the CCC, which verify the authenticity of the keys. Sure Akamai replaced their keys immediately. BUT. There is no way to revoke the SSL keys!!

What most people don’t seem to understand so far is that these keys are signed by a CA which is in any browser. This means that a man in the middle attack can easily performed with this. As ATI is also a customer of Akamai, someone could send you a Trojan horse instead of the newest ATI you wanted. SSL has in theory two defenses against this:

  • Keys expire, the Akamai key in October 2008
  • Originally SSL had the idea that CAs publish a list of compromised keys (revoke list) and as part of the SSL handshake the browser should check if a key is on the list. The problem with it was that this does not scale and is a privacy problem too. Browsers don’t implement this or have not activated it by default.

So we’re out in the open for this key until this fall, but that won’t be the end, as e.g. godaddy at least allows to the sign keys for a longer period of time. e.g. 3 years. And the same problem occurs if a private key is leak by other means. The whole foundation of our web security infraction is build on sand. We need something new!!

PS: I want to stress that Akamai did nothing wrong here. They did everything right and still have a problem!

Improving the security of an installed WordPress

May 18, 2008

This weekend was a busy one, due the openssl security problem, I needed to regenerate ssh keys and openvpn certs. After this was I done I thought it is time to improve also the security of my blog.

I looked a little bit around and found the wp-security-scan wordpress plugin, which does a basic scanning of the security of the installation. It found some stuff I had not changed from the default install. For example, I tried to use the plugin to change the tables prefix, but that didn’t work for me, it complained always about missing alter privileges of the db user which was not correct. I then clicked on the link which explained how to do it by hand, but that broke my system a little bit. But I found following blog entry which show how to do it correctly, even how to get the cryptographp plugin working again afterwards.

I know not every blogger has the technical knowledge to secure their blog, but than they should look maybe for a hosted version. For all others with their self hosted blog: Take really a look at the plugin and correct the stuff it reports.

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