JavaScript engines comparison
November 1, 2008
A friend of mine has done a comparison of different browsers on a state of the art system. The System runs under Windows XP SP3 on a Core 2 Quad Core CPU (Q9450, 2,66GHz) with 3,5 GB RAM. He did use following test. Smaller bars are better, as the browser was able to process the data faster. The x-axis shows the seconds a browser took for the test.

As you can see there are quite some differences which you should be able to “feel” also on current AJAX driven sites. Specially the new JIT (only in beta and not activated by default currently) for Firefox should make it the performance leader.
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Go firefox. Looks like V8 is already lagging behind. Tracemonkey is looking good..
Comment by bucabay — June 16, 2009 #