Mikrotik changed the update policy in their license agreement

October 13, 2014

Just as information for you guys using Mikrotik’s RouterOS but who don’t monitor the wiki for changes or are regular readers of the forum. Mikrotik changed its license concerning the updates. Before this summer following paragraph was on their license wiki page:


You can take a look at the full old version here. Anyway this whole paragraph has been removed. Also with RouterOS 6.20 the following got removed when typing /system license print on the router:


So what does that mean now? jarda from the forums put it nicely:

Updates and upgrades will be unlimited till the end of the life of each device type. It means until the new versions will support your hardware, you can upgrade for free. But expect the problems like some mipsbe devices with 32MB ram are sometimes poorly running RouterOS 6.x. And old 1xx devices are not supported by 6.x. So actually moving upgradable-to field forward or keeping support to old hw in new versions is one like other. No certainty anyway.

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