Script for dialing from within Kontact (Kaddressbook) on an Asterisk server

January 23, 2008

I have a VOIP phone connected to an Asterisk Server (a Vlines appliance in this case) and I wanted to make just one click onto a phone number in my Kontact to dial this number. So I needed to write a script which tells the Asterisk server to ring my phone and when I pick it up – Asterisk should than dial the number clicked in Kontact. This I did some time ago and I thought this script maybe help also others – so here it is!

Download the attached script and copy it to /usr/local/sbin/ and set the executable flag. Go in Kontact to Contacts and there in the Menu to “Settings|Configure Address Book …” and enter in this dialog in the edit field for “General|Script-Hooks|Phone” following

/usr/local/sbin/ %N

Now you only need to change the configuration of the script to your setup. The area and country code entries are used to remove these prefixes from an address book number. All non digits are removed with the execption of “+” witch is translated to “00”.

yourNumber = "sip/YOUR_EXTENTION"
user = "YOUR_USER"
password = "YOUR_PASSWORD"
context = user # may differ, if so specify
callerid = "Kontact"

asteriskHost = "ASTERISK_SERVER_IP"
asteriskPort = 5038
asteriskAreaCode = "0512"
asteriskCountryCode = "0043"
asteriskCombinedCode = asteriskCountryCode + asteriskAreaCode[1:]

Download it here:

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  1. Hi Robert
    Was searching for somthing like this and google gave this page. After a little fiddeling around with the settings in manager.conf I got it working.
    Thanks for sharing.


    Comment by Klaus — December 25, 2008 #

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