Damn it! Patch your DNS Server!

July 26, 2008

In the last days an exploit has been released, but still many big companies have not patched their recursive DNS server. According to the Austrian CERT which released a report two third of the recursive DNS are still not patched. These are not small companies or system, according to The Register the big US ISPs like AT&T, BT and Time Warner as Bell Canada are not patched. There are even some hints that attacks are already carried out.

So Damn it! Patch your DNS servers, you’re risking the security of your customers!

Even Microsoft released following security warning Increased Threat for DNS Spoofing Vulnerability which tells you to install the patch MS08-037 at once. But what do you think can be even worse?


They have still not provided a patch for OS-X-Server, that just shows that apple can’t be taken serious in the server world.

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