Howto restart a suspended KVM guest which can’t be resumed

November 3, 2013

I just had the problem that I was not able to resume a suspended KVM guest. It happened when I powered my KVM server down to add a new hard disk. My server did not power the guest down but did instead suspended them. I realized that only after I did have no “Run” .. just a “Restore” to choose from.


When I tried to “Restore” it I go following:


The problem was that I removed a mapped USB device some time ago but at resuming KVM checked for it. The solution was to remove the corrupted suspended virtual machine session so I could boot the machine again – naturally I did lose the suspended session, but that was ok.

[root@kvmserver ~]# virsh managedsave-remove <NameOfGuest>
Removed managedsave image for domain servicesint

Maybe there is a graphical way to do it, but I didn’t look further – as it worked.

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