D-root is changing its IPv4 address on the 3rd of January.

December 15, 2012

I repost the full advanced notice from the University of Maryland (which administrates the D root DNS server).
Here the original Post:

This is advance notice that there is a scheduled change to the IPv4 address for one of the authorities listed for the DNS root zone and the .ARPA TLD. The change is to D.ROOT-SERVERS.NET, which is administered by the University of Maryland.

The new IPv4 address for this authority is The current IPv6 address for this authority is 2001:500:2d::d and it will continue to remain unchanged.

This change is anticipated to be implemented in the root zone on 3 January 2013, however the new address is currently operational. It will replace the previous IP address of (also once known as TERP.UMD.EDU).

We encourage operators of DNS infrastructure to update any references to the old IP address, and replace it with the new address. In particular, many DNS resolvers have a DNS root “hints” file. This should be updated with the new IP address.

New hints files will be available at the following URLs once the change has been formally executed:



The old address will continue to work for at least six months after the transition, but will ultimately be retired from service.

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