Automating VMware modules reinstall after Linux kernel upgrades

May 15, 2010

I found a nice blog post for you guys that run Linux systems within Vmware be it Server or ESX. After each kernel update from your distribution you need to manually recompile/reconfigure your Vmware kernel modules. What makes that even worse is that during that time you don’t have a network connection, so no ssh script magic if you’ve more than one Linux in a Vmware. But there is a solution for this problem, just take a look at this blog post.


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  1. Not sure why you would need to run it manually after each update, seems like a simple process to automate.

    Comment by astral projection — April 7, 2011 #

  2. Did you read the whole post? There is a link at the end to some code which does exactly that.

    Comment by robert — May 5, 2011 #

  3. Not sure why you would need to run it manually after each update, seems like a simple process to automate.There is a link at the end to some code which does exactly that.Thanks for sharing.

    Comment by Beauty — July 7, 2011 #

  4. The blog that you said sound’s interesting. It seems like a simple process to automate.I will try to visit the blog that you said.

    Comment by kate — July 7, 2011 #

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