Script for deleting files older than x days
February 16, 2008
I’m operating some mail servers, where I’m running two different virus scanner. The first one is engaged during the SMTP handshake and rejects malicious mails. The second one is invoked before the maildrop filter. If this one detects a malware the attachment is removed from the mail and which is stored in a quarantine directory. The user is informed about the removal in this case so he can write me a mail if wants this file – but most user will never ask for the files, so I needed a script which deletes all files in the quarantine directory which are older than the configured days. is this script, which I call by crond like this:
# m h dom mon dow command
23 23 * * * /usr/local/sbin/ /var/quarantine/ 30
This script is a general purpose script which should also be helpful in other scenarios.
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