All SSL Sites are fake-able with new real world MD5 collision attack [Update]
December 30, 2008
You really should look at this video of a presentation (in English) which was just given at the 25C3 in Berlin. Alexander Sotirov, Marc Stevens and Jacob Appelbaum have generated an intermediate certificate which is “signed” by RapidSSL which is shipped with all browsers. As there is no limit which certificates can be signed by which CA, it is possible to fake any SSL site!!
The good news is that they don’t indent to release the private key.
Basically they took the 2007 shown theoretical MD5 collision attack and improved it and the major part: They took it onto a real world CA. They used the RapidSSL CA as they still use MD5 and have a nice automatic and predictable generation process. It takes always 6 seconds to generate one and they increment the serial number of the certificates by one every time. As for the collision attack it is important to previously know the timestamp and the serial number. Both was not that hard at RapidSSL, specially if you did some requests at Sunday night. Here is the link to a document from the guys describing it more in detail.
Ok, this time it maybe the good guys but who can prove to me that nobody else did this, as it cost them under 700 Euros. And removing all MD5 signing CAs is also not a solution at this point of time as up to 30% of the websites are signed by such CA’s. And for server admins it is also almost impossible to find CAs which report which hash functions they use. And there is still the revoke list problem, I’ve written previously (and also here).
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